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About us

Kerala State Muslim Students Federation has been working for more than fifty years organising the Muslim Students on the lines of democratic, secular and progressive ideals. MSF has the unique role of moulding the students in the Islamic way of life and imbibing them with the leadership qualities and skills to face the challenges of changing times.

upholds the vision of late Qaide Millath Mohammed Ismail Sahib who master-minded the political movement of the minorities of India for their honourable existence. MSF prepares the students to carry on the mission of making a vibrant community to participate in the nation building activities. It gives the paramount importance to education as the way of liberation and also as a solution to social deprivations and evils. MSF emphasises the need of communal amity and secular solidarity to safe guard the rich composite culture of our great nation and also thrives to attain competency and excellence in all the spheres of national life. MSF envisages programmes of action to uplift the community from social and educational backwardness.